image - jQuery not displaying span iteration properly -

so i've created erb block gets coordinates each image tag, in want display tag each image @ said coordinates. however, single tag being displayed, not every tag in iteration. idea why? have .each()?

<% if @new_manual.present? %> <% @new_manual.steps.each |step| %> <% i_connection = contact.find(step.input_contact) %> <span class="i_connection" data-pos-x="<%= i_connection.pos_x %>" data-pos-y="<%= i_connection.pos_y %>"  data-pos-width="<%= i_connection.pos_width %>" data-pos-height="<%= i_connection.pos_height %>"> </span>   <br> <div class='image_panel'>     <%= image_tag(i_connection.image.image.url(:large)) %> <div class='planetmap'></div>   <% end %> <% end %> </div>  <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("span.i_connection").each(function() {     var pos_width = $(this).data('pos-width');      var pos_height = $(this).data('pos-height');     var xpos = $(this).data('pos-x');     var ypos = $(this).data('pos-y');      $(".tagged_box").css("display","block");     $(".tagged").css("border","5px solid red");      if ((xpos !== undefined) && (ypos !== undefined)) {     console.log('x:' + xpos + 'px' + ' ' + 'y:' + ypos +'px');                  $('.planetmap').append('<div class="tagged"  style="width:'+pos_width+'px;height:'+         pos_height+'px;left:'+xpos+'px;top:'+ypos+'px;" ><div class="tagged_box" style="width:'+pos_width+'px;height:'+         pos_height+'px;display:none;" ></div>')          } });   //end of span.connection iteration }); 

edit changed id's classes , tags show each photo. success! still shows both of them, not respected tag. believe has .each() method.

edit #2 latest code

the block iterates through 2 images. .tagged shows on both images instead of 1 tag per respected image

<div class="container"> <% if @new_manual.present? %> <% @new_manual.steps.each |step| %>     <% i_connection = contact.find(step.input_contact) %>  <span class="i_connection" data-pos-x="<%= i_connection.pos_x %>" data-pos-y="<%= i_connection.pos_y %>"  data-pos-width="<%= i_connection.pos_width %>" data-pos-height="<%= i_connection.pos_height %>"> </span> <br> <div class="image_panel">     <%= image_tag(i_connection.image.image.url(:large)) %>         <div class='planetmap'></div> </div>     <script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function(){ $("span.i_connection").each(function() {     var pos_width = $(this).data('pos-width');     var pos_height = $(this).data('pos-height');     var xpos = $(this).data('pos-x');     var ypos = $(this).data('pos-y');      $(".tagged_box").css("display","block");     $(".tagged").css("border","5px solid red");      // if ((xpos !== undefined) && (ypos !== undefined)) {     // console.log('x:' + xpos + 'px' + ' ' + 'y:' + ypos +'px');                  $('.planetmap').append('<div class="tagged"  style="width:'+pos_width+'px;height:'+pos_height+'px;left:'+xpos+'px;top:'+ypos+'px;" ><div class="tagged_box" style="width:'+pos_width+'px;height:'+             pos_height+'px;" ></div>')          // } });   //end of span.connection iteration }); </script>     <% end %>    <% end %> 

it's little hard follow final generated html looks code provided 1 error jumps out span has class of "i_connection" while jquery selector looking span class of "connection". should cause .each() not run @ though, might not of problem.


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