javascript - Nested Routing Behavior for Ember.js -

can explain behavior of router , nested routes in ember.js?

what resulting url, routename, controller, route, , template?{     this.resource('profile');      // url: /profile     // routename: profile     // controller: profilecontroller     // route: profileroute     // template: profile      this.resource('artists', function(){          // url: /artists         // routename: artists or artists.index         // controller: artistscontroller or artistsindexcontroller         // route: artistsroute or artistsindexroute         // template: artists or artists/index          this.resource('artists.artist', { path: ':artist_id' }, function(){              // url: /artists/:artist_id             // routename: artists.index or artist.index             // controller: artistsindexcontroller or artistindexcontroller             // route: artistsindexroute or artistindexroute             // template: artists/index or artist/index              this.resource('artist.tracks', function(){                  // url: /artists/:artist_id/tracks                 // routename: artists.tracks or artists.artist.tracks or artist.tracks                 // controller: artiststrackscontroller or artistsartisttrackscontroller or artisttrackscontroller                 // route: artiststracksroute or artistsartisttracksroute or artisttracksroute                 // template: artists/tracks or artists/artist/tracks or artist/tracks                  this.route('playing', { path: ':track_id' });                      // url: /artists/:artist_id/tracks/:track_id                     // routename: tracks.index                     // controller: tracksindexcontroller                     // route: tracksindexrouteroute                     // template: tracks/index             });         });     }); }); 

if see of code on github

javascript file github

this guide i'm referencing

and copied app structure

how app structure looks

many in advance , assistance appreciated me , whole emberjs community on emberjs struggle bus!

you need remove dot notation nested routes. use artist instead of artists.artist.

your corresponding router be, {   this.resource('profile');   this.resource('artists', function() {     this.resource('artist', { path: ':artist_id'}, function() {       this.resource('tracks', function() {         this.resource('playing', { path: ':track_id' });       })     });   }); }); 

you can use app.router.router.recognizer.names list of routes being mapped in router.

this give following urls, routes , controllers.

  • /profile - profileroute - profilecontroller
  • /artists - artistsroute - artistscontroller
  • /artists/1 - artistroute - artistcontroller
  • /artists/1/tracks - tracksroute - trackscontroller
  • /artists/1/tracks/1 - playingroute - playingcontroller

also note, each resource has nested resource gets implicit index route. eg:- artistsindexroute, artistindexroute, tracksindexroute, not playingindexroute because has no nested routes.


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