MS Excel do not copy the color theme automatically -

i using ms excel 2010 company uses set of standard color scheme / theme ms excel 2010 .i gave name (companycolor). have template contains color scheme , macro in perform tasks. when press macro button makes copy of activesheet,protect , email intended recipient.problem when macro makes copy of activesheet new workbook doesn't copy color scheme / theme template have, mean company color scheme (companycolor) due cells color, color of charts , shapes disturbed , changed according excel default color scheme seems odd. have way forward overcome issue or suggestion in regards

here link of snap shot!, understand problem better *>>here vba code makes copy of active worksheet active workbook new workbook, protect , email it.***

private sub commandbutton2_click()  dim fileextstr string dim fileformatnum long dim sourcewb workbook dim destwb workbook dim tempfilepath string dim tempfilename string dim outapp object dim outmail object  if (range("aq5") <> "") or (range("aq6") <> "") range("a5").select  application  .screenupdating = false  .enableevents = false end  set sourcewb = activeworkbook application.screenupdating = false  activesheet.copy  range("a14").clearcontents activesheet.protect password:="1234567890" set destwb = activeworkbook  destwb if val(application.version) < 12     fileextstr = ".xls": fileformatnum = -4143 else     if = .name         application             .screenupdating = true             .enableevents = true         end         msgbox "your answer no in security dialog"         exit sub     else         select case sourcewb.fileformat         case 51: fileextstr = ".xlsx": fileformatnum = 51         case 52:             if .hasvbproject                 fileextstr = ".xlsm": fileformatnum = 52             else                 fileextstr = ".xlsx": fileformatnum = 51             end if         case 56: fileextstr = ".xls": fileformatnum = 56         case else: fileextstr = ".xlsb": fileformatnum = 50         end select     end if  end if  end   tempfilepath = environ$("temp") & "\"  tempfilename = "di status " & range("a17") & " dated " & format(now, "dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss")  set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") set outmail = outapp.createitem(0)  destwb .saveas tempfilepath & tempfilename & fileextstr, fileformat:=fileformatnum  on error resume next  outmail     .to = range("aq6").value     .cc = range("aq7").value     .bcc = ""     .subject = range("aq8").value     .body = range("aq9").value     .attachments.add destwb.fullname     .display     application.wait (now + timevalue("0:00:00"))     application.sendkeys "%s"  end on error goto 0 .close savechanges:=false end   kill tempfilepath & tempfilename & fileextstr  set outmail = nothing set outapp = nothing  application .screenupdating = true .enableevents = true end  application.screenupdating = true set sourcewb = nothing set destwb = nothing set outapp = nothing set outmail = nothing msgbox ("project status has been sent")  else msgbox "there must atleast 1 contact in to, or cc, field" end if  end sub 

below xml coding of color scheme microsoft excel save when create new color scheme / theme , save configuration file called xml file in default path c:\users\**username**\appdata\roaming\microsoft\templates\document themes\theme colors

so far have reached conclusion anyhow if able incorporate below xml code above vba code can desired result. dont know how.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="true"?> -<a:clrscheme name="mycompanytheme" xmlns:a=""> -<a:dk1>       <a:sysclr lastclr="000000" val="windowtext"/> </a:dk1> -<a:lt1>       <a:sysclr lastclr="ffffff" val="window"/> </a:lt1> -<a:dk2>       <a:srgbclr val="1f497d"/> </a:dk2> -<a:lt2>       <a:srgbclr val="eeece1"/> </a:lt2> -<a:accent1>       <a:srgbclr val="d60037"/> </a:accent1> -<a:accent2>       <a:srgbclr val="b21dac"/> </a:accent2> +<a:accent3>       -<a:accent4><a:srgbclr val="ffce00"/> </a:accent4> -<a:accent5>       <a:srgbclr val="009dd9"/> </a:accent5> -<a:accent6>       <a:srgbclr val="af0637"/> </a:accent6>       -<a:hlink><a:srgbclr val="80076b"/> </a:hlink>       -<a:folhlink><a:srgbclr val="218535"/> </a:folhlink> </a:clrscheme> 

finally found way worked!

describing solution others can this! here conclusion , worked! first of giving convenient path vba code,paste on file has specific color scheme theme."c:\mythemecolorscheme.xml") 

the above code generate xml file in specified path.

then, paste below line of code giving same path xml file resided, above "email sending" code.


now copy theme in new workbook.

by default theme configuration reside on

"c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\microsoft\templates\document themes\theme colors\themefile.xml") 


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