php - NetBeans debug not working for phpunit tests -

i followed rafael dohms's article use netbeans debugging tools phpunit tests.

the problem when start debugging in netbeans , run test using command line, netbeans switches "waiting connection" state "netbeans-xdebug runnig". program stops @ command line after "cofiguration read ..." , none of debug actions(step over, step etc) active.

i tried disable "stop @ first line" option , using debug file debuging, none of them worked.

did miss in configuration or using netbeans tools?


i tried fix problem using netbeans didn't work. used phpstrom debug code, although got same result, succeed debug normal cli program , tracking phpunit test program. realized debugging freezes in "pear\phpunit\util\php.php" file, in following line:

$stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); 

i'm using windows 7 , php-v5.3

found post when searching line

$stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); 

in combination keywords xdebug , phpunit.

i got stuck equal symptoms, phpstorm (never tried netbeans) led me line stalling.

during stepping line noticed mentions of 'process isolation', made me drop --process-isolation parameter in xdebug call (this in use workaround memory leak). bugging line not called, , normal xdebug/unittest operation continiue's

not claiming solution, @ least workable workaround me. might give direction problem/solution


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