PHP two Dimensional array in to file -

can please tell me how can save 2 dimensional array in text file

if have array unknown number of elements in index value:


actually, @brad's , @hilmi's answers correct, i'm not sure using json advice.

you can choose


write: file_put_contents('somefile.json', json_encode($two_darray));

read: $two_darray = json_decode(file_get_contents('somefile.txt'));


look this answer

serialized data

write: file_put_contents('somefile.txt', serialize($two_darray));

read: $two_darray = unserialize(file_get_contents('somefile.txt'));

csv (to use ms excel or db)

$handler = fopen('somefile.csv', 'w+'); foreach ($two_darray $one_darray) {     fputcsv($handler, $one_darray); } 

read fgetcsv

and sqlite

$db = new sqlitedatabase('somefile.sqlite'); foreach ($two_darray $one_darray) {     $db->query("insert `mytable` values (".implode(',', $one_darray).")"); } 

read: $two_darray = $db->sqlite_array_query("select * mytable");

edit binary (for .zip or .tar.gz)

try pack()


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