html - Unknown div adding length to page if page is shorter than window -

i trying put sticky footer on site. not "sticks bottom of window no matter how scroll" stickyfooter, "no matter how long page, footer go @ bottom of window, provided scroll way down" sticky footer.

i have tried implementing 4-5 different versions around web, have run problem:

every time have page less than height of user's browser, page add in around 100px after content, before footer, , see page, big blank space, , if scroll down, footer.

here page having problem:

so here shortened version of code:

<head>...snip...</head> <div id="wrap">content here</div> </div><!-- /wrap--><div id="foot"> <footer>         <div class=" copyright">&copy; copyright <?php echo date('y'); ?> <a href="">joshua pedroza</a>. rights reserved. <a href="/tos">terms of service</a>.</div> </footer><!-- end  footer  --></div> <!-- /foot --> 

and css:

html, body {     height:100%;/* needed base 100% height on known*/ } #wrap {     margin:auto;     min-height:100%;     padding-top:-48px;/*footer height - drags outer 40px through top of monitor */  } * html #wrap {     height:100% } #foot {/* footer sits @ bottom of window*/     padding-top: 35px;     margin:auto;     height:48px;/* must match negative margin of #wrap */     clear:both; } /*opera fix*/ body:before {/* maleika (kohoutec)*/     content:"";     height:100%;     width:0;     margin-top:-32767px;/* thank erik j - negate effect of float*/ } #wrap:after {/* thank erik j - instead of using display table ie8*/     clear:both;     display:block;     height:1%;     content:" "; } 

i not sure if twitter bootstrap issue, since have had issues same bug in past. has else encountered it?

example of page: content longer: content shorter: (no matter how short page is, add in scroll bar)



from /#foot

in stick_footer.css



from footer

in styles.css

there no longer space between footer , bottom of content. if not answer let me know , can dig little deeper.


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