Index of all words used in MS Word document -

i need create index @ end of ms word document lists words used in document, page number there used in alphabetical order. can built in index capabilities? if how go doing this? or need macro, , if can me script?

this takes ever on large documents generate index fields need create index in word document. after macro has run can references > insert index have actual index in document.

dim colwords collection set colwords = new colection 'add words don't want index colwords.add "and" colwords.add "you"  dim wrd range each wrd in activedocument.words    'only if have 3 chars index   if len(trim(wrd.text)) > 2       ' prevent field being indexed well...      dim infield boolean      infield = false      dim fld field      each fld in activedocument.fields        if (wrd.start >= fld.code.start , wrd.end <= fld.code.end)          infield = true          exit 'break out        end if      next       if (not infield)         ' check if indexed?          dim findword string         findword = lcase(wrd.text)         each cached in colwords             if cached = findword                infield = true                exit 'break out             end if          next         if  (not infield)             activedocument.indexes.markallentries range:=wrd, entry:=wrd.text, _              entryautotext:=wrd.text, crossreference:="", crossreferenceautotext:="", _              bookmarkname:="", bold:=false, italic:=false             colwords.add findword           end if      end if    end if next 


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