perl/dbi/sql stumped by "operation must use an updatable query" error -

i've perl script builds sql cmd set fields null in table in ms access db ( sorry). here's simplified mockup.

my $nonkeyfields_hashref = { "country" => "zzz",                              "address3" => "foo"                            }; $keyfields_hashref = { "address1" => "1212 o'mally street",    # embedded single quote here causing problem                           "client id" => "1234567"                         }; $sqlcmd = "update mytable set "; $sqlcmd .= join( ", " , map{ "[?} = null "} keys $nonkeyfields_hashref; $sqlcmd .= " "; $sqlcmd .= join( " , " , map{ "[?} = ? "} keys $keyfields_hashref;  # sqlcmd contains "update mytable set [?] = null, [?} = null [?] = ? , [?] = ?"  $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sqlcmd); if( !defined( $sth)) {   _pusherrormsg("sth failed define - ".$dbi::errstr);   $errorhit = 1; } else {   @cmd_arry = ();   push( @cmd_arry, $_ ) keys $nonkeyfields_hashref;   push( @cmd_arry, $_ , $keyfields_hashref->{$_} ) keys $keyfields_hashref;   print dumper( @cmd_arry);    # dumper shows @cmd_arry contains ("country", "address3", "address1", "1212 o'mally street", "client id", "1234567")   # 6 elements, jibes query's question-marks    $sth->execute( @cmd_arry);    # errors here given message   .... } 

this code works great when data not contain nasty embedded single-quotes. i'd hoped binding solve problem no such luck.

anyone have solution single-quote issue?

thanks in advance,

still-learning steve.

that code contains syntax errors due a) missing closing ) on join calls b) missing use data::dumper. i'm assuming using recent perl since seem expecting $hash_references automatically dereferenced.

it unusual database engine accept parameters column names - not work databases.

the single quote talking has no impact on script far can see - broken wrt code in else pushing many paramaters sql statement. sql statement wants 4 column names , push 4 column names , 2 values.

i presume meant " push( @cmd_arry, $_ , $keyfields_hashref->{$_}" "push( @cmd_arry, $_".


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