python - how to make my maze function print out the solution -

i working on maze solution problem. after code can find goal, not let python print out list of solution. it's required homework.

can me? learned python 3 weeks. want print out every step python goes toward final goal. here code:

def mazedetector(row,col):     c= m[row][col]     solution=[]      if c =="w":         print "wall here: "+ str(row)+ ","+ str(col)         return false     elif c =="v":         print "visited: " + str(row)+ ","+ str(col)         return false     elif c=="f":         print "found: "+ str(row)+ ","+ str(col)         print solution         return true      print "visiting:"+ str(row)+ ","+ str(col)      solution.append((row,col),)     m[row][col]=="v"     if (col>0 , mazedetector(row,col-1)):         return true     elif (row< len(m)-1 , mazedetector(row+1,col)):         return true     elif (row>0 , mazedetector(row-1, col)):         return true     elif (col<=len(m)-1 , mazedetector(row, col+1)):         return true     return false mazedetector(1,5) 

and here maze, w means wall, p means place go, s means start, f means final:

[['w', 'p', 'p', 'w', 'w', 'w'],   ['w', 'w', 'p', 'w', 'p', 's'],   ['w', 'w', 'p', 'w', 'p', 'w'],   ['p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'w'],   ['f', 'w', 'p', 'w', 'w', 'w'],   ['w', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'w']] 

you have pass solution function , not create each time:

def mazedetector(row,col, solution):     c= m[row][col]     solution.append((row, col))     if c =="w":         print "wall here: "+ str(row)+ ","+ str(col)         return false     elif c =="v":         print "visited: " + str(row)+ ","+ str(col)         return false     elif c=="f":         print "found: "+ str(row)+ ","+ str(col)         print solution         return true      print "visiting:"+ str(row)+ ","+ str(col)      m[row][col]=="v"     if (col>0 , mazedetector(row,col-1, list(solution))):         return true     elif (row< len(m)-1 , mazedetector(row+1,col, list(solution))):         return true     elif (row>0 , mazedetector(row-1, col, list(solution))):         return true     elif (col<=len(m)-1 , mazedetector(row, col+1, list(solution))):         return true     return false mazedetector(1,5, []) 

here's code returns path if exists

def mazedetector(row, col, solution):     solution.append((row, col))     if m[row][col] == "f": return true, solution     m[row][col] = "v"     neighbors = [(row, col - 1), (row + 1, col), (row - 1, col), (row, col + 1)]     neighbors = filter(lambda (r, c): r >= 0 , c >= 0 , r < len(m) , c < len(m) , m[r][c] not in ("v", "w"), neighbors)     r, c in neighbors:         t, sol = mazedetector(r, c, list(solution))         if t: return true, sol     return false, []  print mazedetector(1, 5, [])[1] 


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