Splash Page with progress bar in qml for blackberry 10 -

i'm developing application blackberry 10 native sdk.

i want show splash page/screen progress bar whenever application launches i.e when user clicks on application icon.

first want create sqlite database , tables after data server , store data in sqlite database tables. after work done, i've remove splash page , i've show home page.

regarding splashscreen itself, you'll not able use blackberry splashscreen functionality, it's displaying static picture. you'll have create simple sheet this: set image static splashscreen, , create sheet same image in background. on top of image, display progressbar or that. when initialization complete, close sheet.

the progress computation split in 2 parts: first, getting content. you'll have use qnetworkreply::downloadprogress signal monitor download. you'll have add hard-coded "progress" database creation/filling. depending on data quantity, i'll split in 90% download, 10% database filling.


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