windows server 2012 - Error publishing log file TFS2012 -

i have en problem tfs2012 after have install visual studio 2012 on microsoft server 2012. im gettting error:

exception message: tf270016: error occurred publishing log files 'd:\builds\3_2\mes_projects\pjdgatewaytester - main\sources\src\lps_cmdata\pjdgatewaytest.log' '\\server\drop\build\pjdgatewaytester - main\pjdgatewaytester - main_.6\logs'. details: access path '\\server\drop\build\pjdgatewaytester - main\pjdgatewaytester - main_.6\logs' denied. (type publishlogfileexception) exception stack trace:    @ system.activities.statements.throw.execute(codeactivitycontext context)    @ system.activities.codeactivity.internalexecute(activityinstance instance, activityexecutor executor, bookmarkmanager bookmarkmanager)    @ system.activities.runtime.activityexecutor.executeactivityworkitem.executebody(activityexecutor executor, bookmarkmanager bookmarkmanager, location resultlocation)  inner exception details:  exception message: access path '\\server\drop\build\pjdgatewaytester - main\pjdgatewaytester - main_.6\logs' denied. (type unauthorizedaccessexception) exception stack trace:    @ errorcode, string maybefullpath)    @ fullpath, string path, object dirsecurityobj, boolean checkhost)    @ path, boolean checkhost)    @ microsoft.teamfoundation.common.filespec.copyfile(string oldpath, string newpath, boolean overwriteexisting)    @ sourcedirectory, string targetdirectory)    @ sourcedirectory, string targetdirectory, string[] renameifexists)    @ context)  workflow instance has been canceled. (reason: activity 'try compile, test, , associate changesets , work items' id 12211 threw or propagated exception while being canceled.)  error occurred while copying diagnostic activity logs drop location. details: access path '\\server\drop\build\pjdgatewaytester - main\pjdgatewaytester - main_.6\logs' denied.  error occurred while copying diagnostic activity logs drop location. details: access path '\\server\drop\build\pjdgatewaytester - main\pjdgatewaytester - main_.6\logs' denied. 

looks need give permissions build service account drop location.


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