android - Strange Error Using putExtra -

i trying import string intention , put string intention. seeing strange error on putextra method. when place mouse cursor on line's error mark on left side says:

" multiple markers @ line: -syntax error on '(' token, delete token
-syntax error on ')' token, delete token "

obviously need parenthesis deleting them not solve problem. has ever encountered before?

public class countdown extends activity { public final static string extra_message = "com.example.myfirstapp.message"; private handler handler = new handler();  //import intention starting point activity intent intention1=getintent(); final string message = intention1.getstringextra(startingpoint.extra_message);    //create intention supposed go display message activity intent broadcastsm = new intent(this, displaymessageactivity1.class); broadcastsm.putextra(extra_message, message); 


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