html - Bad consequences of linking css external stylesheet outside of head? -

this question has answer here:

so first off, know <link> tag link css external style sheet should in <head> section, , unorthodox place outside head.

however, using head , footer includes modular web design, , there css stylesheets apply pages , not others.

having placed <link> tags within <body> section of page, sweet accommodation of modern browsers have far experienced nothing wrong except in ie.... but, don't care ie @ moment.

so, apologies html purists, must ask: what negative consequences there linking css external stylesheets outside of <head>?

in research, people have stuck referencing w3schools stating "link css stylesheet in head", not elaborating on why: do <link href=""> tags go in <head> tag?

"validity" given 1 answer, entail? search engine friendliness? don't see benefit me if search engines read stylesheets or not...

quoted html 4.01 specification

this element defines link. unlike a, may appear in head section of document, although may appear number of times.

the html5 specification not mention tag must appear in head section. if use them inside body make sure use html5 doctype e.g.

<!doctype html> 


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