php - how to return an array with like keyword on codeigniter's active record -

i want perform query wth active records :

select * tablename status = 'a' , name 'test' 

and want return array because want encode json later, need use result_array();

so tried :

$query = $this->db->select('*')->from('tablename')->where('status', 'a'); $query->like('name', 'test')->get()->result_array(); return $query; 

but got message when tried encode json :

type unsupported, encoded null 

what should do? help.

try this:

$data   = array(); $rs = $this->db->where('status', 'a')->like('name', 'test')->get('tablename'); if($rs->num_rows()> 0){     $data   = $rs->result_array(); } return $data; 


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