php - Storing values to array and Counting total array values -

im storing age values inside array using array push,

foreach($arrayagevalues $value){   $arrayage21to30 = array(); $arrayage31to40 = array();  if($value['age'] >= 21 && $value['age'] <= 30) { array_push($arrayage21to30, $value['age']); }  if($value['age'] >= 31 && $value['age'] <= 40) { array_push($arrayage31to40, $value['age']); }  } 

at end want count total values stored inside array in $arrayage21to30 ans $arrayage31to40. used count($arrayage21to30); doesnt return total number of array values inside array.

is there way on how can count values of array or approach of storing values inside array wrong?

$arrayage21to30 , $arrayage31to40 should out of foreach

just try code:

 <?php  $arrayage21to30 = array();  $arrayage31to40 = array();  foreach($arrayagevalues $value)  {       if($value['age'] >= 21 && $value['age'] <= 30)      {          array_push($arrayage21to30, $value['age']);      }       if($value['age'] >= 31 && $value['age'] <= 40)      {          array_push($arrayage31to40, $value['age']);      }  }  echo count($arrayage21to30), "\n";  echo count($arrayage31to40), "\n"; 

if want calculate sum, can use arrray_sum:

 echo array_sum($arrayage21to30), "\n";  echo array_sum($arrayage31to40), "\n"; 


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