c# - How to access rstrui.exe from code behind? -

please tell me how access system restore "rstrui.exe" c# code.

i tried calling c:\windows\system32\rstrui.exe; not accessible @ all.

i need call function redirecting controls system restore.


you can access c:\windows\system32 using following property:


environment.systemdirectory property

you can run executable using following method:

process.start(path.combine(environment.systemdirectory, "rstrui.exe")); 

path.combine method

process.start method

update >>>

ahhh... see problem.

when accessing system32 folder 32 bit code on 64bit windows 7 , vista (maybe windows 8 too), windows 'cleverly' changes part of request path syswow64. why may have got 'could not find path' error. in order around this, can use following:


a more complete answer might be:

if (environment.is64bitprocess) {     process.start(path.combine(environment.systemdirectory, "rstrui.exe")); } else process.start("c:\\windows\\sysnative\\rstrui.exe"); 


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