c# - NXT to pc bluetooth text message -

how can send bluetooth text message nxt pc , read in pc?

i use this:

     byte[] byteout = new byte[65];         int = 0;         try         {             byteout[0] = (byte)(textbox1.textlength + 5);             //number bytes in output message             byteout[1] = 0x0;             //should 0 nxt             byteout[2] = 0x00;             //&h0 = reply expected &h80 = no reply expected             byteout[3] = 0x9;             //send bluetooth             byteout[4] = 0x0;             //box number - 1             byteout[5] = (byte)(textbox1.textlength + 1);             //message size null terminator             //copy bytes output array             (i = 1; <= textbox1.textlength; i++)             {                 byteout[(i + 5)] = convert.tobyte(asc(textbox1.text.substring((i - 1), 1)));             }              byteout[textbox1.textlength + 6] = 0x0;             //add null terminator             serialport1.write(byteout, 0, textbox1.textlength + 7);             //send message               // try use reading doesn't work good. gets lot                           of numbers , no text.              char[] read1 = new char[65];              serialport1.read(read1, 0, textbox1.textlength + 7);              string box1 = "";                (int i1 = 0; i1 < read1.length; ++i1)             {                 box1 += read1[i1];             }              messagebox.show(box1);          }         catch (exception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.tostring());         } 

i try use reading doesn't work good. gets lot of numbers , no text.

what should do?

add function code:

 private string nxtsendcommandandgetreply(byte[] command)     {         string r = "";         byte[] messagelength = { 0x00, 0x00 };         messagelength[0] = (byte)command.length;         bluetoothconnection.write(messagelength, 0, messagelength.length);         bluetoothconnection.write(command, 0, command.length);         int length = bluetoothconnection.readbyte() + 256 * bluetoothconnection.readbyte();         (int = 0; < length; i++)             r += bluetoothconnection.readbyte().tostring("x2");         return r;     } 

then can send number :

private void send(int a) {     byte[] nxtmessage = { 0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };     nxtmessage[2] = (byte)(0);     int tmp = (int)a;     (int bytectr = 0; bytectr <= 3; bytectr++)     {         nxtmessage[4 + bytectr] = (byte)tmp;         tmp >>= 8;     }     nxtsendcommandandgetreply(nxtmessage); } 

send text :

public void send(string s) {     byte[] nxtmessage = new byte[5 + s.length];     nxtmessage[0] = 0x00;     nxtmessage[1] = 0x09;     nxtmessage[2] = 0x00;     nxtmessage[3] = (byte)(s.length + 1);     byte[] array = encoding.ascii.getbytes(s);     (int bytectr = 0; bytectr < array.length; bytectr++)     {         nxtmessage[4 + bytectr] = array[bytectr];     }     nxtmessage[4 + s.length] = 0x00;     nxtsendcommandandgetreply(nxtmessage); } 

get number nxt :

private int read(int mailbox) {     byte[] nxtmessage = { 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 };     nxtmessage[2] = (byte)(mailbox - 1 + 10);     string r = nxtsendcommandandgetreply(nxtmessage);     return convert.toint32((r[10] + "" + r[11]), 16); } 

and text nxt :

private string read_txt(int mailbox) {     byte[] nxtmessage = { 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 };     nxtmessage[2] = (byte)(mailbox - 1 + 10);     string r = nxtsendcommandandgetreply(nxtmessage);     int = 0;     string recieved = "";     (int = 10; ; += 2)     {         = int.parse(r[i] + "" + r[i+1], system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber);         if (a == 0)             break;         recieved += char.convertfromutf32(a);     }     return r; } 

checkout http://geekbrothers.org/index.php/categories/electronics-computers/20-video-controlled-robot see great use of sending numbers nxt bluetooth , download source code. , checkout http://geekbrothers.org/index.php/teachings put complete tutorial send , receive bluetooth , nxt soon. if have other problem can use geekbrothers contact-us form or can send email info@geekbrothers.org


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