c# - Strange behaviour when initialising UISegmentedControl -

i'm writing monotouch app , i'm trying add uisegmentedcontrol view (programmatically not through ib). kept receiving following error message:

application windows expected have root view controller @ end of application launch 

this strange because uisegmentedcontrol has nothing window root view controller. in end reduced code way down initialisation of variable:

// code appears in class inherits uiview var segmentedcontrol = new uisegmentedcontrol (); 

i've tried putting code in class inherits uiviewcontroller , same behaviour occurred. tried putting appdelegate still same error displayed.

note: debugging on ipad device when running code

after playing around commented out random uiviewcontroller class have , app ran fine. i've tried commenting out various different uiviewcontrollers , every time runs fine there's not 1 view controller seems problem. it's if i've hit sort of limit amount of view controllers can have.

is possible? , if not might problem be?

p.s. may related previous issue raised here: error when adding uitabbarcontroller


inside finishedlaunching method have code:

_window = new uiwindow(uiscreen.mainscreen.bounds); _window.rootviewcontroller = _navigationcontroller; _window.makekeyandvisible(); 

i running in ios version 6.1.

i've since tried commenting out class not 1 inherits uiviewcontroller, , app runs fine. perhaps memory issue

edit 2

i tried removing view , controller being affected , built them again , drilled down when view inherits uiview. if have code in uiviewcontroller , class used uiview (but not inherit it) app runs without problem. inherit class uiview error message described above.

that error not related uisegmentedcontrol. please check whether mentioned application's rootview in code. if not it.

in finishedlaunching method add:

if (uidevice.currentdevice.checksystemversion (5, 0)) {    window.rootviewcontroller = yourviewcontroller; } else {    window.addsubview (yourviewcontroller.view); } 


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