css3 - Onmouseout transition with animation -

i'm trying animate div on mouseout keyframes animation :

div{     -webkit-transition: -webkit-animation:flipiny 2s; }  div:hover{     -webkit-animation: flipiny 0.8s; } 

so when user mouseout there transition,but want using animation keyframes not normal transition:

@-webkit-keyframes flipiny {      0% {         -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotatey(90deg);         opacity: 0;     }      40% {         -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotatey(-10deg);     }      70% {         -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotatey(10deg);     }      100% {         -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotatey(0deg);         opacity: 1;     } } 


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