zend framework2 - ZF2 - How to pass data from controller to helper -

i need pass data controller custom view helper. tried in 2 ways, unfortunately can't make working.
have registered helper in module.config.php

the first way tried pass variables controller helper:
in controller:

public function indexaction() {           $this->data = $this->getapplicationtable()->gettypes();          $helper = new testhelper();         $helper->setvariables($this->data); } 

here helper:

class testhelper extends abstracthelper {      public $data;       public function __invoke()     {         var_dump($this->data); // output null         return $this->getview()->render('helper-view.phtml', $this->data);     }        public function setvariables($var)     {         if($var){             $this->data = $var;             var_dump($this->data) // output array correct data         }     }    } 

in layout, display this:

<?php echo $this->testhelper(); ?> 

and got error helper-view.phtml variable empty.

the second way tried based on dependency injection

my module.php:

public function getserviceconfig()     {         return array(             'factories' => array(                 'application\model\applicationtable' =>  function($sm) {                     $tablegateway = $sm->get('applicationtablegateway');                     $table = new applicationtable($tablegateway);                     return $table;                 },                 'applicationtablegateway' => function ($sm) {                     $dbadapter = $sm->get('zend\db\adapter\adapter');                     return new tablegateway('tablename', $dbadapter);                 },             ),         );     }  public function getviewhelperconfig() {     return array(         'factories' => array(             'testhelper' => function ($helperpluginmanager) {                 $sm = $helperpluginmanager->getservicelocator();                 $tablegateway = $sm->get('application\model\applicationtable');                 $viewhelper = new testhelper();                 $viewhelper->settablegateway($tablegateway);                 return $viewhelper;             }         ),     ); } 

my helper:

class testhelper extends abstracthelper {      public $tablegateway;       public function __invoke()     {         $data = $this->tablegateway->gettypes();          return $this->getview()->render('helper-view.phtml', $data);     }        public function settablegateway($tablegateway)     {         $this->tablegateway = $tablegateway;     }   } 

i got same error in first way.
grateful kind of help.

it doesn't work, because call $this->testhelper(); create new instance of testhelper, not know $data, setvariables never called instance. not return view inside helper, leave if possible in controller. helper used give helper methods view, consult documentation: http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.2/en/modules/zend.view.helpers.advanced-usage.html#writing-custom-helpers

an easy solution, how without di: give desired data controller view, view can give data helper if required:

inside indexaction, set data variable , give variable view:

public function indexaction() {     $data = $this->getapplicationtable()->gettypes();     return new \zend\view\model\viewmodel(array(         'data' => $data,     )); } 

change helper: remove setvariables method , add in signature of invoke $data param. btw, practice set variable private , add setters , getters.

class testhelper extends abstracthelper {      private $_data;      public function __invoke($data) {         $this->setdata($data);         return var_dump($this->getdata());     }      public function setdata($data) {         $this->_data = $data;     }      public function getdata() {         return $this->_data;     }  } 

now, in index.phtml can $data controller , pass helper:

$data = $this->data; echo $this->testhelper($data); 

that's all.


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