animation - Bone Vertex Skinning transformation -

i trying implement skeletal animation in opengl. @ stage, trying have bone system deform mesh. believe problem how create matrix bone::getmatrix().


each bone has offset it's parent, , if bone not have parent offset instead world position of entire skeleton. collection of bones comprise skeleton. currently, testing purposes, have 3 bones in skeleton deforming skinned mesh.

again, issue when deforming mesh, visual result not produce desired effect.


glm::mat4 bone::getmatrix(){      bone* parent = getparent();     glm::mat4   rot  = glm::mat4(1.0f);     glm::mat4   trans= glm::mat4(1.0f);      glm::vec3 orient = getorientation();       //create rotation matrix;     rot *= glm::rotate(orient.x,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);     rot *= glm::rotate(orient.y,0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);     rot *= glm::rotate(orient.z,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);      //create translation matrix     if(parent  != nullptr){         glm::vec3 off = offset;         trans = glm::translate(off.x,off.y,off.z);     }else{         glm::vec3 pos = getposition();         //trans = glm::translate(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z);     }       glm::mat4 pm = glm::mat4(1.0f);     if(parent != nullptr){         pm *= glm::inverse( parent->getmatrix() );     }else{     }     return pm * trans * rot ; } 

deforming mesh:

void armature::draw(const float& dt){     if(mesh == nullptr){         postmsg("reference copy mesh nullptr","draw",34);         return;     }      arrayvertex3* mesh_vertex = mesh->getvertex3();     arrayvertex3 render_vertex;      if(mesh_vertex == nullptr){         postmsg("mesh vertex structure null during draw","draw",30);     }else{         render_vertex.reserve(mesh_vertex->size());     }      int i=0,j=0,k=0;      glpushmatrix();         gltranslatef(10,0,0);          glbegin(gl_points);          for( =0; i<this->getbonecount(); i++){             glvertex3fv( glm::value_ptr(    glm::vec3(  glm::vec4() * getbone(i)->getmatrix()  )   ));         }         glend();          glbegin(gl_lines);          for( =1; i<this->getbonecount(); i++){          //  glvertex3fv( glm::value_ptr(getbone(i)->gettranslationmatrix() * glm::mat3(getbone(i)->getrotationmatrix()) ));         //  glvertex3fv( glm::value_ptr(getbone(i-1)->gettranslationmatrix() * glm::mat3(getbone(i-1)->getrotationmatrix()) ));         }         glend();      glpopmatrix();      //loop vertices     for( = 0 ; <  int(mesh->getnumbervertexes()); ++){         render_vertex[i].vtx = glm::vec3(0.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f);           int inf_count = (*mesh_vertex)[i].numinfluences;          //loop vertices influences         for( j=0; j < inf_count; j ++){             bone *bone = getbone(    (*mesh_vertex)[i].boneids[j]    );             float weight = (*mesh_vertex)[i].boneweights[j];              glm::vec4 original_vert = glm::vec4((*mesh_vertex)[i].vtx,1.0f);             glm::vec4 original_norm = glm::vec4((*mesh_vertex)[i].norm,0.0f);               glm::vec3 t = bone->gettranslationmatrix();              render_vertex[i].vtx += glm::vec3(  bone->getmatrix()  *  original_vert )   * (weight)  ;               //transform normal             render_vertex[i].norm =  glm::vec3(  bone->getrotationmatrix()  * original_norm )   ;           }           (*mesh_vertex)[i].vtx = render_vertex[i].vtx;         (*mesh_vertex)[i].norm = glm::normalize(render_vertex[i].norm);      } } 

result enter image description here

the rotation not done according joint location

i fount bone matrix function bit chaotic. understanding, vertexes need transformed global transformation matrix. global transformation matrix concatenation of local transformation matrix. following code used calculate global transformation. article useful.

some of previous work using glsl + assimp + glm

glm::mat4 t = glm::translate(bone->offset); glm::mat4 r = glm::tomat4(bone->rotate);  glm::mat4 s = glm::scale(bone->scale); glm::mat4 localtransform = t * r * s;   if(bone->getid()!=0) {     bone->globaltransform = bone->getparent()->globaltransform * localtransform; } else {     bone->globaltransform = localtransform; }  (uint = 0 ; < bone->getchildren().size() ; i++) {     updatetransform(bone->getchildren()[i]); } 


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