c# - Screen distortion with win forms csharp for 64 bit -

i have used split container inside tabpage. it's working fine everywhere except laptop has win7 i5. checked in other win 7 laptops works fine. problem when restore window , maximize split container not resize leaving blank space.

i figured out problem may : 1. problem 64 - bit machines 2. resize event of tab control not getting called. 3. have explicitly resized on mdi form , problem seems solved . takes time , resizing can seen. should seamless. 4. temporary solution. plz on it

i got solution problem not container or control. limitation of 64 bit machines. if have nested controls resize event of deepest children not called if 15-16 levels deep. need override onsizechanged event of forms or control. refer site if 1 facing same problem http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/windows/en-us/f06b8980-a38d-441f-8a5d-aa28c52f60c0/nested-usercontrols-on-x64-resizing-problem


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