cordova - AngularJS and Phonegap Cross Origin Access -

recently created phonegap app mobile devices, using angularjs javascript framework.

i have php backend serving restful json data, build in laravel php framework.

the phonegap app requests data php server $http service in angularjs, , works on mobile phone.

now wanted make phonegap app available on website temporarily instead of in app. moved phonegap project webserver, here doesnt work @ all. these errors when trying use webapp in own browser.

"origin not allowed access-control-allow-origin.".

i tried add config parameters angularjs such as:

delete $httpprovider.defaults.headers.common['x-requested-with'];

but nothing seems help.

i find kinda weird worked phonegap app on phone , in iphone emulator, doesnt work on new webserver domain.

anyone know do?

the safest way use jsonp. in laravel like:

response::json(array('name' => 'steve', 'state' => 'ca'))->setcallback(input::get('callback')); 

however if want access open/public, try adding public/.htaccess file

header set access-control-allow-headers: "accept,origin,content-type,x-requested-with" header set access-control-allow-methods "get,put,post,delete,options" header set access-control-allow-credentials: "true" header set access-control-allow-origin "*" 


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