javascript - How to highlight a row in a list of data with bootstrap's table table-hover class -
i using bootstrap's table class (in particular class="table table-hover") on list of data (using knockout databinding in single page application)-
<table id="tblallcert" border="0" class="table table-hover" width="100%"> <tbody data-bind="foreach: allcertificates"> <tr id="allcertrow" style="cursor: pointer" data-bind="a: console.log($data), click: $parent.selectthing, css: { 'highlight': $parent.isselected() == $data } "> <td> <b><span data-bind=" text: clientname"></span> (<span data-bind=" text: clientnumber"></span>) <span data-bind=" text: borrowbasecount"></span> loan(s) </b> collateral analyst: <span data-bind=" text: username"></span> certificate: <span data-bind="text: lwcertid"></span> request date: <span data-bind=" text: moment(requestdate).format('dd/mmm/yyyy')"></span> </td> <td data-bind="text: $parent.isselected"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
i need following happen-
1. when user clics on row, class="highlight" should implemented (highlights clicked on row).
2. when user clicks on different row, remove highlight class on first row , apply class="highlight" newly selected row. return first row original colors bootstraps table class (class="table table-hover").
in short, row clicked on should highlighted. other rows should retain characteristics of bootstrap's class="table table-hover". ideas?
edit 7/23/2013 fiddle: - ( knockout code )-
define(['services/logger', 'durandal/system', 'durandal/plugins/router', 'services/certificatedataservice'], function (logger, system, router, certificatedataservice) { var allcertificates = ko.observablearray([]); var mycertificates = ko.observablearray([]); //var serverselectedoptionid = ko.observablearray(); var isselected = ko.observable(); var serverselectedoptionid = ko.observable(); var currentdisplaything = ko.observable(allcertificates); var serveroptions = [ { id: 1, name: 'certificate', optiontext: 'lwcertid' }, { id: 2, name: 'client name', optiontext: 'clientname' }, { id: 3, name: 'client number', optiontext: 'clientnumber' }, { id: 4, name: 'request date', optiontext: 'requestdate' }, { id: 5, name: 'collateral analyst', optiontext: 'username' } ]; var activate = function () { // go local data, if have return selectallcerts(), selectmycerts(); }; var vm = { activate: activate, allcertificates: allcertificates, mycertificates: mycertificates, title: 'certificate approvals', selectmycerts: selectmycerts, selectallcerts: selectallcerts, theoptionid: ko.observable(1), serveroptions: serveroptions, serverselectedoptionid: serverselectedoptionid, sortupdownallcerts: sortupdownallcerts, isselected: ko.observable(), selectthing: function(row, event) { isselected(row.lwcertid); } }; serverselectedoptionid.subscribe(function () { var sortcriteriaid = serverselectedoptionid(); allcertificates.sort(function (a, b) { var fieldname = serveroptions[sortcriteriaid - 1].optiontext; if (a[fieldname] == b[fieldname]) { return a[fieldname] > b[fieldname] ? 1 : a[fieldname] < b[fieldname] ? -1 : 0; } return a[fieldname] > b[fieldname] ? 1 : -1; }); }); allcertificates.valuehasmutated(); return vm; //////////// function sortupdownallcerts() { allcertificates.sort(); allcertificates.valuehasmutated(); } function sortupdownmycerts() { return allcertificates.sort() } function selectallcerts() { return certificatedataservice.getallcertificates(allcertificates); } function selectmycerts() { return certificatedataservice.getmycertificates(mycertificates); } //function rowselected() { // $('#tblallcert tr').on('click', function (event) { // $(this).addclass('highlight').siblings().removeclass('highlight'); // }); // $("#tblallcert tr").addclass("highlight"); // $('#tblallcert tr').css('background-color: red'); //} });
$('table').on('click','tr',function(e){ $('table').find('tr.highlight').removeclass('highlight'); $(this).addclass('highlight'); })
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