symfony 1.4 - Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error" on new actions crated -

i error enter 1 of actions on project.

oops! error occurred server returned "500 internal server error". broken 

only on 1 page (action) happens. recent action created. strange thing happens on server. locally on windows server page works normally.

the php internal logs on server returns no errors.

the error occurs if remove code in action , if clear cache 'php symfony cc'. if set permissions 'php symfony project:permissions'. if combine of previous solutions in different order.

here action code:

  public function executeexportpoststoproject(sfwebrequest $request)   {     echo 'why?? show me please!';   } 

on same module there 20 other actions decleared same way. i'm going crazy.

tryed check server configuration symfony. no warnings. symfony version 1.4.5.

i'm stuck! don't know do.

seems file name of view case sensitive under linux. on windows hadn't same problem. on linux reasons new files created on windows problem occured. renamed view exportpoststoproject.php exportpoststoproject.php solved problem.


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