apache - Access control in Cgit -

i introduce access control cgit once cgi of cgit has been launched. idea list repos available in gitolite enable/disable directory listing based on user authentication.

i managed access control before apache executing cgit cgi:

 allowoverride none  authtype basic  authname "restricted files"  authuserfile /var/lib/git_alfonso/passwords    options +execcgi    order allow,deny    allow 

alias /cgit.png /var/www/htdocs/cgit/cgit.png alias /cgit.css /var/www/htdocs/cgit/cgit.css scriptalias /cgit "/var/www/htdocs/cgit/cgit.cgi" rewriterule ^$ / [r] rewriterule ^/(.*)$ /cgit.cgi/$1**** 

but don't know how same effect once repositories paths accessed, tried directory directive , adding authentication there once cgit launched apache doesn't apply other directive stated in http.conf file.

any clue on how achieve it?

thanks lot in advance.

br alfonso.

i have done precisely in own cgit config.

# cgit on @port_http_cgit@ listen @port_http_cgit@ <virtualhost @fqn@:@port_http_cgit@> servername @fqn@ serveralias @hostname@ setenv git_http_backend "@h@/usr/local/apps/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend" documentroot @h@/cgit alias /cgit @h@/cgit <directory @h@/cgit>   setenv git_project_root=@h@/repositories   addhandler cgi-script .cgi .pl   directoryindex cgit.pl 

(the @xx@ template placeholder values)

the idea wrap cgit.cgi custom script cgit.pl (here perl script can use other scripting language want), will:

  • call gitolite
  • only display authorized gitolite

you can see full cgit.pl script here.

this when trying access specific repo:

if ($request_uri ne "/cgit/" && $request_uri ne "/cgit/cgit.pl/") {   (my $repo)=($path_info =~ /\/([^\/]+)/);   $perm = "r";   if ($repo ne "") {   $aperm = access( $repo, $user, 'r', 'any' );   # ($aperm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo);     $perm=$aperm;   }   if ($perm !~ /denied/) {     system("@h@/cgit/cgit.cgi");   } } 

this when calling cgit without repo: should list repos authorized see.
that, call native cgit.cgi, , filter output, removing line corresponding "denied" repo:

    $fname="$user.".timestamp().".tpl";     system("@h@/cgit/cgit.cgi > $fname");     open(info, $fname); # open file     @lines = <info>; # read array     close(info);     unlink($fname);     pop(@lines);     foreach (@lines) {       $line=$_;       (my $repo)=($line =~ /title='([^']+)'/); #'       $perm = "r";       if ($repo ne "") {       $aperm = access( $repo, $user, 'r', 'any' );         # ($aperm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo);         $perm=$aperm;       }       if ($perm !~ /denied/) {         print $line;       }     } 


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