c# - TransactionScope performance issues -

i have performance issues when using transactionscope class in server side code (wcf).

my code gets request client, creates transactionscope , performs short operations (usually 100 ms).

see bellow attached code simulates server side code. problem when there 100 , more concurrent users, takes more 1 second !!! create new transactionscope (see gettransaction() method).

and when goes 200 concurrent users, transactionaborted thrown .

do have ideas?

class program      {          private static concurrentqueue<double> m_queue = new concurrentqueue<double>();       static void main(string[] args)      {          console.writeline("press key start ...");          console.readkey();           (int = 0; < 100; i++)          {              thread t = new thread(new threadstart(method));              t.isbackground = true;              t.start();          }           thread.sleep(2000);          console.writeline("max {0}, min {1}, avg {2}, total {3}", m_queue.max(), m_queue.min(), m_queue.average(), m_queue.count);          console.readkey();      }        private static void method()       {          using (transactionscope scope = gettransaction())          {              thread.sleep(100);              scope.complete();          }      }       public static transactionscope gettransaction()      {          var start = datetime.now;           transactionoptions options = new transactionoptions();          options.isolationlevel = isolationlevel.readcommitted;          var t = new transactionscope(transactionscopeoption.required, options);           // log creation time          m_queue.enqueue((datetime.now.subtract(start)).totalmilliseconds);           return t;      }   } 

remove "enqueue" line, see if problem persists.

another thing, i'm curious "short operations" being executed within transaction scope. might escalating transaction coordinator ltm msdtc, might explain slowness more concurrent hits.


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