cfml - ColdFusion - how to edit a record? -

i want edit record2 when click edit button display info of record1. if click other edit buttons display info of record1. how know record want edit? please help. thank you.

<cfform name="formname" action="edit.cfm" method="post"> ....some additional codes..... <cfloop query="qryname"> record1_data     edit button record2_data     edit button record3_data     edit button record4_data     edit button </cfloop> ....some additional codes..... </cfform> 

unless there's reason i'd shy away using cfform there's reason use it

you need pass in sort of form variable has corresponding id you're pulling database.

<form name="formname" action="edit.cfm" method="post">   <cfloop query="qryname">     <input type="checkbox" name="record" value="" /> record   </cfloop> </form> 


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