How to set RTS/DTR using libusb? -

i can't see setter rts/dtr functions in both libusb-0.1 , libusb-1.0. should send smth special using usb_control_msg() ? usb device cdc-device (not ftdi)

libusb can't - should send 'control state' cdc-device or ftdi-specific commands ftdi-device.

for cdc:

`6.2.14 setcontrollinestate request generates rs-232/v.24 style control signals. ...

d1 carrier control half duplex modems. signal corresponds v.24 signal 105 , rs-232 signal rts. 0 - deactivate carrier 1 - activate carrier device ignores value of bit when operating in full duplex mode

d0 indicates dce if dte present or not. signal corresponds v.24 signal 108/2 , rs-232 signal dtr. 0 - not present 1 - present`

ps. xiaofan libusb-devel mailing list.


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