javascript - Checking a box in one checkboxgroup disables or hides a box with the same value in another checkboxgroup -

i have extjs window has 2 separate panels checkboxgroups.
both show same values, user cannot select same item both checkboxgroups.

i want deal little fancier checking , alerting warning in both ckeckboxgroup's listeners when user selects selected value in checkboxgroup.

to avoid alerts, want either hide or disable box.

i have tried add hidden:true or disabled:true no luck:

ext.create('widget.window',  {     title       : 'select value',     draggable   : true,     modal       : true,     closable    : true,     closeaction : 'destroy',     width       : 400,     height      : 350,     layout:      {         type  : 'hbox',         align : 'stretch'     },     items :      [{         xtype      : 'panel',         title      : 'success',         autoscroll : true,         flex       : 1,         items      :         [{             xtype     : 'checkboxgroup',             itemid    : 'success',             columns   : 1,             vertical  : true,             items     : yes_checkbox,             listeners :              {                 change: function(field, newvalue, oldvalue, eopts)                 {                     // newvalue.rb                 }             }         }]      },     {         xtype      : 'panel',         id         : 'panel_failure',         title      : 'failure',         autoscroll : true,         flex       : 1,         items      :         [{             xtype     : 'checkboxgroup',             itemid    : 'failure',             columns   : 1,             vertical  : true,             items     : no_checkbox,             listeners :              {                 change: function(field, newvalue, oldvalue, eopts)                 {                     // newvalue.rb                  }             }         }],      }], }); 

i tried panel_failed ext.getcmp('panel_failed').items.add(//something here) inside change listener. cannot figure out whether add() right method, , if is, format write inside function.


you can define itemid of checkboxes , easy select , disable them setdisabled(true);


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