android - Error when creating project in AndroidStudio -

whenever try make new project in android, error

failed import gradle project: not fetch model of type 'ideaproject' using gradle distribution ''.        build file 'c:\users\vvina_000\androidstudioprojects\myapplicationproject\myapplication\build.gradle' line: 9        problem occurred evaluating project ':myapplication'.        problem occurred evaluating project ':myapplication'.        not create plugin of type 'appplugin'.        consult ide log more details (help | show log)        

i opened build.gradle file , says is:
// top-level build file can add configuration options common sub-projects/modules", there no line 9.

had same problem recently. solution remove gradle , reset androidstudio: (osx mountain lion)

  1. show hidden files
    execute in terminal: defaults write appleshowallfiles yes restart finder (option+rightclick on finder > relaunch)
  2. delete gradle files:
  3. reset androidstudio
    add lines /application/android idea.config.path=~/.androidstudiopreview/config
  4. restart androidstudio.

then worked charm :d


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