backbone.js - Variable passed into backbone view coming up undefined -

i in process of learning backbone / underscore, , finding more break away basic stuff in tutorials, more come realize tutorials aren't teaching me of anything.

my current problem passing variable view. have 3 different templates available, render same, hoping pass template use view when being rendered collection. thought work adding property call view, , accessing, throwing error property undefined.

i have tried number of variant options, nothing seems work. doing wrong?

thanks advance.

var projectlistview = backbone.view.extend({     el: '#projectlist',     initialize: function() {       this.collection = masterprojectlist;       this.render();     },     render: function() {       this.$el.html("");       this.collection.each(function(project) {             this.renderitem(project);       }, this);     },     renderitem: function(project) {       var projectview = new projectview({model: project, projecttype: '#theatricalprojecttemplate' });     // passing in project type, determines template gets used       this.$el.append(projectview.render().el);     }   });    var projectview = backbone.view.extend({     tagname: "div",     classname: "project-wrap",     template: _.template($(this.options.projecttype).html()),         // use this.options access value      render: function() {       this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.tojson()));       return this;     }   }); 

when you're defining projectview:

var projectview = backbone.view.extend({   //...   template: _.template($(this.options.projecttype).html()),   //... }); 

you're executing code (i.e. calling extend) , in context, this global object (aka window in browser) , won't have options property. if want use projecttype option pass projectview constructor, move template assignment initialize:

var projectview = backbone.view.extend({   tagname: "div",   classname: "project-wrap",   initialize: function() {     this.template = _.template($(this.options.projecttype).html());   },   render: function() {     this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.tojson()));     return this;   } }); 

this assumes projecttype valid jquery selector, might want use '#' + this.options.projecttype instead i'm not sure in projecttype.


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