docx - Identify table ID in microsoft word -

there lots of table in word document. want uniquely identify table microsoft offfice doesn't provide unique identifier(id) them. there way identify microsoft word table uniquely?

user provides me word file tables. have convert them images. if user provides me same file content of table has been updated have update image. delete , again generate image not worked in case because can't change name of image first assign it.

what tried.

  1. generate xml of word doc , there id or unique identifier. no such thing exists.
  2. look @ table properties 1 field alt text still not relible because user can change it.

this how table looks in xml (3*3):

<w:tbl>             <w:tblpr>                 <w:tblstyle w:val="grilledutableau"/>                 <w:tblw w:type="auto" w:w="0"/>                 <w:tbllook w:firstcolumn="1" w:firstrow="1" w:lastcolumn="0" w:lastrow="0" w:nohband="0" w:novband="1" w:val="04a0"/>             </w:tblpr>             <w:tblgrid>                 <w:gridcol w:w="3070"/>                 <w:gridcol w:w="3071"/>                 <w:gridcol w:w="3071"/>             </w:tblgrid>             <w:tr w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidtr="00153204">                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3070"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3071"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3071"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>             </w:tr>             <w:tr w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidtr="00153204">                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3070"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3071"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3071"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>             </w:tr>             <w:tr w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidtr="00153204">                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3070"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3071"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>                 <w:tc>                     <w:tcpr>                         <w:tcw w:type="dxa" w:w="3071"/>                     </w:tcpr>                     <w:p w:rsidr="00153204" w:rsidrdefault="00153204"/>                 </w:tc>             </w:tr>         </w:tbl> 

they ids here, these ids change if user adds table, moves it, ...

what add identifier yourself:

add particular replacement string tables (for example id:1)

this adds id in w:tblcaption attribute:

    <w:tblpr>         <w:tblstyle w:val="grilledutableau"/>         <w:tblw w:type="auto" w:w="0"/>         <w:tbllook w:firstcolumn="1" w:firstrow="1" w:lastcolumn="0" w:lastrow="0" w:nohband="0" w:novband="1" w:val="04a0"/>         <w:tblcaption w:val="id:1"/>     </w:tblpr> 

to add caption in word: right-click on table->properties->text/replacement

put text element before each table want identify

this adds following xml before table

    <w:p w:rsidr="006b0cc1" w:rsidrdefault="006b0cc1">         <w:r>             <w:t>id :1</w:t>         </w:r>         <w:bookmarkstart w:id="0" w:name="_goback"/>         <w:bookmarkend w:id="0"/>     </w:p> 

i go first possibility it's easy read properties , inside table, have parse table elements.


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