c# - Can't open folders with spaces -

i have following code read items ftp-server:

internal list<ftpitem> openfolder(string foldername) {    ftpwebrequest request = createftpwebrequest("ftp://myserver.com", foldername);    request.method = webrequestmethods.ftp.listdirectorydetails;    list<ftpitem> ftpitems = getftpitemsfromrequest(request);    return ftpitems; }  private list<ftpitem> getftpitemsfromrequest(ftpwebrequest ftpwebrequest) {    list<ftpitem> ftpitems = new list<ftpitem>();    webresponse webresponse = ftpwebrequest.getresponse();    streamreader reader = new streamreader(webresponse.getresponsestream());    string line = reader.readline();    while (line != null)    {       ftpitems.add(new ftpitem(line));       line = reader.readline();    }    reader.close();    webresponse.close();    return ftpitems; }     private ftpwebrequest createftpwebrequest(params string[] url) {    ftpwebrequest webrequest = (ftpwebrequest)webrequest.create(string.join("/", url));    webrequest.keepalive = false;    webrequest.usebinary = true;    webrequest.credentials = this.networkcredential;    return webrequest; } 

as long try open folder root/sub/subsub works fine. if foldername contains space, error-message

no such file or directory 

i tried replace space-character %20, doesn't work.

what have open folders contains spaces?

you forgot closing "/" @ end of url request. either append end of request:

ftpwebrequest webrequest = (ftpwebrequest)webrequest.create(string.join("/", url)+"/"); 

or add empty string url parameter:

ftpwebrequest request = createftpwebrequest("ftp://myserver.com", foldername,""); 


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