Google URL Shortner API Setting Service Parameters in C# -

i'm using google url shortner api,, , need set quotauser parameter. should do-able via service.serviceparameters dictionary , quotauser key in dictionary, it's read can't set value of quotauser need be. thoughts on how accomplish this? don't see why provide dictionary no way set values in it.

each service request contains quotauser property, can set want. example in following sample code:

var service = new urlshortenerservice(new baseclientservice.initializer()             {                 authenticator = auth,                 applicationname = "put_here_your_app_name",             }); // code here... // create request set quota , execute var request = service.url.list(); request.quotauser = "put_here_your_quota" urlhistory result = request.execute(); 

take in our urlshortenerservice sample here full sample how use urlshortener service (i added quotauser property after line 72)


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