Gsub function issue in Ruby -

i'm attempting create function create prepared statements salesforce queries. requirement escape single quotes; other characters escaped salesforce. when call

prepared_query('select id account id = :id , name = :name limit 1', {:id => '00001234', :name => "john 'smith"}

the expected output

"select id account id = '00001234' , name = 'john \'smith' limit 1"

i'm attempting use gsub this. function is

def prepared_query(soql, *args)         if args[0].is_a? hash                 args[0].each |key, val|                         val.gsub!("'", %q(\\\'))                         soql.gsub! ":#{key}", "'#{val}'"                 end         end end 

the output

"select id account id = '00001234' , name = 'john limit 1smith' limit 1"

what causing issue?

when use gsub 2 arguments, replacement string interpreted in special way. relevant case \' replaced affix of match (the counterpart $' in ordinary replacement). in order avoid have use block gsub.

a fix code may this:

def prepared_query(soql, h = {})   h.each |key, val|     val.gsub!("'", %q(\\\'))     soql.gsub!(":#{key}"){"'#{val}'"}   end   soql end 


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