How to display all categories in magento project -

am new magento 1.7 , using celebrity theme want add categories displayed in left side bar , have browsed through n tried many none of them working (may due celebrity theme). can 1 me on asap. please

you can add

go layout.xml , add this


open xml file , paste code.

<reference name="left">             <block type="catalog/navigation" name="catalog.leftnav" template="catalog/navigation/left_nav.phtml" /> </reference> 

open file ..


paste code:

 <?php $obj = new mage_catalog_block_navigation(); $store_cats = $obj->getstorecategories(); $current_cat    = $obj->getcurrentcategory(); $current_cat    = (is_object($current_cat) ? $current_cat->getname() : '');   foreach ($store_cats $cat) {     if ($cat->getname() == $current_cat) {         echo '<li class="current"><a href="'.$this->getcategoryurl($cat).'">'.$cat->getname()."</a>\n<ul>\n";         foreach ($obj->getcurrentchildcategories() $subcat) {             echo '<li><a href="'.$this->getcategoryurl($subcat).'">'.$subcat->getname()."</a></li>\n";         }         echo "</ul>\n</li>\n";     } else {         echo '<li><a href="'.$this->getcategoryurl($cat).'">'.$cat->getname()."</a></li>\n";     } } ?> 


list categories

$_helper = mage::helper('catalog/category') ?>  <?php $_categories = $_helper->getstorecategories() ?> <?php $currentcategory = mage::registry('current_category') ?> <?php if (count($_categories) > 0): ?>     <ul>         <?php foreach($_categories $_category): ?>             <li>                 <a href="<?php echo $_helper->getcategoryurl($_category) ?>">                     <?php echo $_category->getname() ?>                 </a>                 <?php //if ($currentcategory && $currentcategory->getid() == $_category->getid()): ?>                     <?php $_category = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($_category->getid()) ?>                     <?php $_subcategories = $_category->getchildrencategories() ?>                     <?php if (count($_subcategories) > 0): ?>                         <ul>                             <?php foreach($_subcategories $_subcategory): ?>                                 <li>                                     <a href="<?php echo $_helper->getcategoryurl($_subcategory) ?>">                                         <?php echo $_subcategory->getname() ?>                                     </a>                                      <?php $_category1 = mage::getmodel('catalog/category')->load($_subcategory->getid()) ?>                      <?php $_subcategories1 = $_category1->getchildrencategories() ?>                      <?php if (count($_subcategories1) > 0): ?>                          <ul>                              <?php foreach($_subcategories1 $_subcategory1): ?>                                  <li>                                      <a href="<?php echo $_helper->getcategoryurl($_subcategory1) ?>">                                          <?php echo $_subcategory1->getname() ?>                                      </a>                                  </li>                              <?php endforeach; ?>                          </ul>                      <?php endif; ?>                                   </li>                             <?php endforeach; ?>                         </ul>                     <?php endif; ?>                 <?php // endif; ?>             </li>         <?php endforeach; ?>     </ul> <?php endif;?> 


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