javascript - Angular JS dialog from Angular UI does not close completely -

i'm in process of closing dialog follows:

$state.transitionto('login'); $dialog.close(); 

but have line/bar sits near top of screen dialog hasn't closed properly. it's it's collapsed o possibility of reopening again.

if knows why , how can fixed please reply!


yes indeed should have been calling close on modal instance how can carry on when have:

.state('login.authenticate',{        onenter: function($stateparams, $state, $dialog ) {               var d = $dialog.dialog({                   keyboard: true,                   backdropclick: true,                   dialogfade: true,                   backdrop: false,               });     "login/authenticate/authenticate.tpl.html", 'authenticationctrl');         } }); 

this opens view opens 1 of 2 other views each own module , controller (using ng-boilerplate layout).

i configure state again when enter login.authenticate state can nest new modules come after.

sorry lack of js fiddle code have no idea how put different modules in there.


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