jquery - ERB iteration not displaying div -

so i've created erb iteration iterates on number of products generates corresponding product image , div (.tagged) lays on top of image. problem when theres 1 out connection (i_connection) no div shown, when there more one, correct number of divs displays. idea what's going on here?

<% if @new_manual.present? %>   <% @new_manual.steps.each |step| %>      <% i_connection = contact.find(step.input_contact) %>     <span class="connection" data-pos-x="<%= i_connection.pos_x %>" data-pos-y="<%= i_connection.pos_y %>"  data-pos-width="<%= i_connection.pos_width %>" data-pos-height="<%= i_connection.pos_height %>"></span>      <% o_connection = contact.find(step.output_contact) %>     <% cord = cordtype.find(step.contact_item) %>      <%= o_connection.product.full_name %>     uses <%= cord.name %>     plug <%= i_connection.product.full_name %><br>     <%= image_tag(o_connection.image.image.url(:medium)) %>      <br>     <%= image_tag(cord.image.url(:thumb)) %><br>     <br>     <div id='image_panel'>       <%= image_tag(i_connection.image.image.url(:medium)) %>       <div id='planetmap'></div>     </div>      <%= image_tag(cord.image.url(:thumb)) %>   <% end %> <% end %> 


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