Parse an input file into two separate files in java -

i have input file below (for example):

10 12 1 2 ... 9 10 1 2 ... 11 12 

the first tells next 10 lines part1

then following next 12 lines part2.

i create 2 separate files part1.txt , part2.txt parsing original input.txt file.

how can that? suggestions kindly? using java scanner.

solution (partial): worked me based on suggestions below

    scanner scanner = new scanner(filename);             try {         string[] first_line = scanner.nextline().split("\\s+", 3); // reading first line of input file          int edgecount = integer.parseint(first_line[0]);             int vertexcount = integer.parseint(first_line[1]);           string hasweight = first_line[2];          while (scanner.hasnextline()) {             if(edgecount != 0) { // check whether more edges left read input file                 scanner edge_scanner = new scanner(scanner.nextline());  .... 

since sounds homework, not go code detail, read first line, , use .split("\\s+") method string class.

once this, end array 10 in first location , 12 in second.

while iterate on next lines, keep counter , check if value of counter less or equal 10. if holds, know need output 1 file. if condition no longer holds , counter greater 10 less or equal 10 + 12, know should print in second file.


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