php - comparison array doesnt work -

i have code i'm trying compare $current $password array , thought both have same value , doesn't work.

$current_password = mysqli_query($db_connection,"select password                                      user username  = 'sanket' "); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($current_password); foreach($row $pass) {     $password = $pass[0]; } $current = $_post['old_password']; if ($current == $password) {      if ($_post['new_password'] == $_post['confirm_password']) {      mysqli_query($db_connection,"update user set password     = ".$_post['confirm_password']."   username  = 'sanket'") ;  } 

$row = mysqli_fetch_array($current_password); foreach($row $pass) {     $password = $pass[0]; } 

$row unidimensional array strings. when foreach on $row $pass string. when assign $pass[0] $password, assign first character of string in $pass $password. write:

$row = mysqli_fetch_array($current_password); $password = $row[0]; 

and here necessary warning: use proper escaping mysqli_prepare or mysqli_real_escape_string user input!


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