sqlite - Unable to serialize custom object activeandroid -

i trying store custom object blob in sqllite db. object field of class extending model. other fields (of primitive types) go in db, custom 1 - null always.

@table(name = "data") public class data extends model {  @column(name = "number") private int number;  @column(name = "blob") private contact blob;  ... 

this how store entity

data data = new data(0, new contact(id, name, number)); data.save(); 

here contact class

public class contact { private string id; private string name; private string number;  ... 

i believe typeserializer needed, i've created one.

public class contactserializer extends typeserializer {  private static final string elements_delimiter = ";";  @override public object deserialize(object asstring) {     string[] aftersplit = ((string) asstring).split(elements_delimiter);     return new contact(aftersplit[0], aftersplit[1], aftersplit[2]); }  @override public class<?> getdeserializedtype() {     return contact.class; }  @override public serializedtype getserializedtype() {     return serializedtype.string; }  @override public object serialize(object ascontact) {     contact temp = (contact) ascontact;     return temp.getid() + elements_delimiter + temp.getname() + elements_delimiter             + temp.getnumber(); } 


when query db got object particular field "contact" null always. might problem? need specify typeserializer object? or implementation of typeserializer i've created wrong?

you need extent contact model:

@table(name = "contact") public class contact extends model{     @column(name = "id")     private string id;     @column(name = "name")     private string name;     @column(name = "number")     private string number; } 

now should work out of box. it's bit late response perhaps else.


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