mvc 4 - Get ip address from a request mvc -

i'm trying ip address of device making request. should work in both self hosted or hosted on server internet access.

i've tried this:

//get visitor ip address method     public string getvisitoripaddress()     {         string stringipaddress;         stringipaddress = request.servervariables["http_x_forwarded_for"];          if (stringipaddress == null) //may http_x_forwarded_for null             stringipaddress = request.servervariables["remote_addr"]; //we can use remote_addr         else if (stringipaddress == null)             stringipaddress = getlanipaddress();          return stringipaddress;     }      //get lan connected ip address method     public string getlanipaddress()     {         //get host name         string stringhostname = dns.gethostname();         //get ip host entry         iphostentry iphostentries = dns.gethostentry(stringhostname);         //get ip address ip host entry address list[] arripaddress = iphostentries.addresslist;         return arripaddress[arripaddress.length - 1].tostring();     } 

but in both cases get: "::1".

what doing wrong?

in ipv6 ::1 same in ipv4. when run local machine should getting.

you can try modify hosts file, or try access application it's ip (for example).


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