objective c - Follow an NSStatusItem with a window - incorrect position when switching to a taller display -

the problem: have follow app's nsstatusitem popup/window right beneath it.

the general solution (like it's suggested here or here) add custom view nsstatusitem , view's window's frame (statusitem.view.window.frame), , connect move event through nswindowdidmovenotification notification of statusitem.view.window.

this solution works 99% unless user connects external display taller previous display (for example mac book user connects external monitor), in case statusitem.view.window.frame incorrect, x coordinate correct y coordinate same in smaller screen!

i've checked , of menubar apps have popup window when click status item misplaced i've described.

my solution don't use y coordinate frame use corresponding nsscreen's visibleframe's height this:

nsscreen *screenwithmenubar = [[nsscreen screens] objectatindex:0];     if( screenwithmenubar ) {         // correct top position 'screen menubar's height         //  workaround: without window off-placed when user plugs in external display,         //      display more height         nsrect visiblerect = [screenwithmenubar visibleframe];         originpoint.y = visiblerect.size.height + visiblerect.origin.y;     } 

as stated in official apple documentation the first screen should screen contains menubar should work, seems of hack me.

have guys experienced bug? have found better solution?


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