php - Creating a container for cURL'd content -

i'm using curl page. problem is, i'm trying have own "header" div curl content @ bottom. css curl messing formatting though. how contain curl'd content without putting in iframe?

public function curl ($url, $options) {     $handle = curl_init($url);     curl_setopt_array($handle, $options);     ob_start();     $buffer = curl_exec($handle);     ob_end_clean();     curl_close($handle);     return $buffer; } 

you can try this:

$content = curl($url, $options = array());  preg_match('/<body>(.*?)</body>/is', $content, $matches);  if(!empty($matches)) {   $body = $matches[0];   //header css  echo $header;   //parsed content   echo $body;   //footer  echo $footer; } 

note: code not tested.

hope helps.


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