python - Alfred Workflow not working at all -

this kind of specific question, directed mac users use alfred + powerpack & familiar workflow development.

i trying create alfred workflow , failing miserably reason. workflow supposed password generator based on gist made. copies whole python script trying run instead of password. can't figure out why happening.

here's download link workflow: download

here follows python script using.

thanks in advance.

ps: aware alfred's website has it's own forum discussing topic have register & hate registering stuff use once in lifetime.

#!/usr/bin/env python import string import random  q = {query}  try:     pattern = list(q)     password = ""      x in pattern:         if x == "a":             password += random.choice(list(string.lowercase))         elif x == "a":             password += random.choice(list(string.uppercase))         elif x == "%":             password += random.choice(list(string.digits))         elif x == "#":             password += random.choice(list(string.punctuation))         else:             password += x finally:     print(password) 

are running code within run script action? goal copy clipboard? if so, replace print(password) return password. then, add copy clipboard output connects run script action. ought want.


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