windows - Putting quotation marks in Sublime Text configuration files -

i trying run java class file new cmd window. want add pause command @ finish view result, edit file javac.sublime-build this:

{ "cmd": ["javac", "${file}"], "working_dir": "${file_path}", "selector": "", "shell": true, "variants": [     {         "name": "run",         "cmd": ["start cmd /c", ""java ${file_base_name} & pause""]     } ] } 

but doesn't work, "cmd": ["start cmd /c", ""java ${file_base_name} & pause""] mean wanna process command start cmd /c "java ${file_base_name} & pause" sublime-text doesn't understand "".

anyone can solve this?

sublime text configuration files json format.

json string escape rules can read here

example escape:

'{"a":5,"b":"a \\"kitty\\" mighty odd"}' 


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