JSF action not called OR selectbox value is null -

i have strange jsf problem here... don´t know why, ever try do, have 1 out of 2 problems. either action method inside popuppanel not (means never) called or called, value selectbox (always) null. can´t figure out, problem is, seems me, it´s xhtml property problem.

already tried put popuppanel outside h:form (helped me @ other locations...), tried put outside , put form popup. beyond trying change attachment parent/form , changed execute of commandbutton inside popup form/form-id/popuppanel-id , guess there more things did... nothing helped. bean session scoped , using richface 4.0 final if matter @ all.

what ever, xhtml looks this:

    <rich:popuppanel   header="#{label['edit.title']} #{mandateaction.ccservice.mandatelist[mandateaction.currentindex].id}"   id="addexternalsystem"   onmaskclick="#{rich:component('addexternalsystem')}.hide()"   domelementattachment="form" autosized="true" layout="block">     <h:panelgrid columns="2">       <h:outputtext value="#{label['login.username']}" />       <h:inputtext         value="#{mandateaction.newexternalsystem.username}" />        <h:outputtext value="#{label['login.password']}" />       <h:inputsecret         value="#{mandateaction.newexternalsystem.password}" />        <h:outputtext value="#{label['mandate.externalsystem']}" />       <h:selectonemenu         value="#{mandateaction.newexternalsystem.externalsystem}">         <f:selectitems           value="#{creditcardconfigurationservice.externalsystems}"           itemlabel="#{system.name}" itemvalue="#{system}"           var="system" />         <f:converter binding="#{externalsystemconverter}" />       </h:selectonemenu>       ....                 <a4j:commandbutton value="#{label['insert.save']}"         action="#{mandateaction.insertnewsystem}"         render="mandate_table" execute="@form"         oncomplete="if (#{facescontext.maximumseverity==null}) {#{rich:component('addexternalsystem')}.hide();}" /> 

if page have of required fields kept empty submit popup panel not work. in case include popup panel inside form , domelementattachment="form" , , perform submit.


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