linux - zend : Fatal error: Class 'Application_Model_User' not found -

i trying connecting model class defined in /application/models named user.php. following how bootstrap looks like:

class bootstrap extends zend_application_bootstrap_bootstrap{     protected function _initappautoload() {             $autoloader = new zend_loader_autoloader_resource(array(                             'namespace' => 'application',                             'basepath' => application_path,                             'resourcetypes' => array(                                             'model' => array(                                                             'path' => 'models',                                                             'namespace' => 'model',                                             )                             )             ));             echo '<pre>';             var_dump($autoloader);             return $autoloader;     } 


folling application.ini

phpsettings.display_startup_errors = 0 phpsettings.display_errors = 0 includepaths.library = application_path "/../library" bootstrap.path = application_path "/bootstrap.php" bootstrap.class = "bootstrap" appnamespace = "application" resources.frontcontroller.controllerdirectory = application_path "/controllers" resources.frontcontroller.params.displayexceptions = 0 

following indexcontroller.php

class indexcontroller extends zend_controller_action {  private $user_connection; private $login_status;  public function init() {     /* initialize action controller here */     $this->user_connection = new application_model_user(); }  public function indexaction() {      $sql = "    select *                user";     $this->view->deals = $this->user_connection->select($sql); } 

following user.php file:

class application_model_user extends application_model_db_connection {  public function __construct() {     parent::__construct(); }  public function connection(){     return $this->getconnection(); }  public function insert($data, $table = 'user'){    return parent::insert($table, $data); }  public function select($sql){     return parent::select($sql); } 


strange part is, developing on windows , runs fine, when push same code ec2 linux instance, fatal error.

fatal error:  class 'application_model_user' not found in /var/www/html/dev/application/controllers/indexcontroller.php on line 11 

i went through many questions on stack overflow , tried of them, not close solve problem. appreciated.

i able fix above issue, due case sensitivity of linux. renamed models first letter capital , able access them in controller.

user.php -> user.php

also adding subfolder model can add following bootstrap.

protected function _initappautoload() {     $autoloader = new zend_loader_autoloader_resource(array(             'namespace' => 'application',             'basepath' => application_path,             'resourcetypes' => array(                     'model' => array(                             'path' => 'models/',                             'namespace' => 'model_',                     ),                     'model_db' => array(                         'path' => 'models/db',                         'namespace' => 'model_db_'                     )             )     )); 


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