python - Google App Engine datastore POST not working -

i'm having problem getting simple form post using datastore. i'm trying store rss feeds, starting name (sourcename) , link (sourcelink). form loads , can enter text in both fields, when hit submit, 404 error. i'm sticking pretty close guestbook tutorial i'm bit flummoxed. here's form code:

import cgi import urllib  #from google.appengine.api import users google.appengine.ext import ndb  import webapp2   main_page_footer_template = """\    <form action="/newurl%s" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">   <div><textarea name="sourcename" rows="1" cols="60"></textarea></div>   <div><textarea name="sourcelink" rows="1" cols="60"></textarea></div>   <div><input type="submit" value="submit"></div> </form>  <hr>    </body> </html> """ 

here's rest of it, excluding mainpage code, seems loading fine.

class feedlist(webapp2.requesthandler):      def post(self):          feedlist_name = self.request.get('feedlist_name',                                      default_feedlist_name)         feed = rssfeed(parent=feedlist_key(feedlist_name))           feed.sourcename = self.request.get('sourcename')         feed.sourcelink = self.request.get('sourcelink')         feed.put()          query_params = {'feedlist_name': feedlist_name}         self.redirect('/?' + urllib.urlencode(query_params))   app = webapp2.wsgiapplication([     ('/rssfeeds', mainpage),     ('/newurl', feedlist)], debug=true) 


application: myrssapp version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: yes  handlers: - url: /updaterss/daily   script:   login: admin - url: /searchquery   script: - url: /rssfeeds   script: - url: /newurl   script: - url: /.*   script: 

i've tried both including newurl in yaml , not including it.

from log:

"post /newurl%s http/1.1" 404 188 " 


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